Friday, September 19, 2014

Who is your Role Model?

As a young little girl, I had the opportunity of identifying someone that I used as my role model.  Anytime I was around this person, I watched closely of the life they were living.  They attended college, married, children, continued to upgrade to glorious beautiful houses, church, and lastly a six-figure income.   As a pre-teen, I would tell myself, “I want that!”  “I am going to do that!”  “I am putting myself through college to have that!”

Born and raised until I was seven years old in North Jersey, my life altered as we moved to North Philadelphia.  It was a culture shock.  I have witnessed continuous drug deals, lock ups, and I remember one vivid drive by shooting that almost cost the lives of my father and baby brother, who was four years old at the time. 
People in this neighborhood were not deemed to succeed.  No one expects children from North Philly to make it anywhere. 

However, I had a vision.  I knew what I wanted.   At the age of twelve, my parents made the best decision to move to Northeast Philadelphia.  Though, it was the same city, the neighborhood made a difference in my life particularly the surroundings.  Per my request, I persisted on the North Philly neighborhood schools.  Regardless, my mind was already set up for success.  It was a requirement that I made for myself to attend college.  In Family A, I aspired to be the first to graduate with a college degree and in the other side of the family, Family B, the second. 

With this dream that I had foreseen, I was destined for triumph.  I used ONE role model to determine the direction I was heading towards and I was not allowing anyone to get in my way.  Anyway, long story short through trials and tribulations, I assumed the ability to accomplish the degree requirement.  Throughout this process, I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. 
I used the word USED very loosely.  I used a role model for myself and I say that because I feel that everyone needs some type of influence in their life to give them motivation especially with the down outpour of negativity that unfortunately we are surrounded by.  HOWEVER, as an adult, I came to the realization that I wanted a better life than the Role Model I used.  YES!  I want the career, but I do not want the sacrifices that come along with a six-figure income yet.  In due time and with the Grace of God, it will come, but the biggest PRIORITY that changed the outcome was my children.  At the end, I did not realize that QUALITY time would have affected the decision of desiring that six-figure salary.  Children are a blessing and I don’t want to miss a beat. 

Still, that does not mean to give up or not to keep persevering.  Sometimes, dreams change, but in a GREAT way!  I am achieving my next degree.  This time, I will be the second in Family A to receive my Master’s and Family B, the first.  At this moment, there are new goals and new influences AND they will never stop coming.  If it weren’t for the first one, I may not have that first SUCCESS!
In addition, I did realize the greatest influences of my life and hard work, dedication, perseverance, AND QUALITY time originated from ROLE MODELS I was living with the whole time,